Dental crown or bridge
When you have a large cavity or a broken tooth, you may need a crown. You can also make a bridge that includes several teeth to replace the ones you’re missing.
During your first visit, the dentist will grind the tooth in question, take a dental impression and send it to a technician. At that point you will consult about the color and get a temporary solution until you come to cement the new crown/bridge. At your next visit, the crown/bridge must be attached to the tooth.
Construction of the crown and bridge includes:
- X-ray if necessary
- Clinical photographs
- Dental impressions sent to technicians
- Anesthesia if necessary
- Tooth/teeth grinding
- Temporary crowns
- Cementing, polishing and finishing the crown/bridge
Dental crown or bridge
Pravljenje slomljenog/izgubljenog zuba keramičkim estetskim materijalom daje prirodni oblik i boju. Cijena uključuje otiske, kliničke slike, rendgenske snimke i anesteziju ako je potrebna.
Kad imate veliku šupljinu ili slomite zub, možda će vam biti potrebna krunica. Također možete napraviti most koji uključuje nekoliko zuba ili premosnicu ako vam nedostaje zub.
Pri prvoj posjeti stomatolog će brusiti dotični zub, uzeti otisak i poslati ga tehničaru. Drugi posjet je rezervisan za probe i odredjivanje boje. Ovdje ćete dobit privremeno rješenje dok ne dođete zbog cementiranja definitivnog rada odnosno nove krune/mosta. Nakon izvršenih proba u posljednjoj posjeti krunica/most moraju biti cementirani na zub.
Izrada krunice i mosta uključuju:
- Rendgenski snimak po potrebi
- Kliničke slike
- Otiske zuba poslane tehničarima
- Anesteziju po potrebi
- Brušenje zuba/zubā
- Privremene krunice
- Cementiranje, poliranje i završetak krunice/mosta
Crowns or bridges are usually done in two visits. During the first visit, we determine the color of the restorations and materials. We also take the dental impressions to be sent to the dental technician. We provide a temporary solution that you use until the crown or bridge is ready.
At other visits, we make sure that both the dentist and the patient are satisfied; that the color and shape are right and whether the bite is correct (adequate) before cementing the structure.