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Diagnostic Center

Diagnostic  center

2d3d eng

Nova Dental Clinic is equipped with comprehensive digital radiological diagnostics (digital orthopantomogram 2D/OPG, 3D CBCT, and RVG imaging) to ensure reliable and safe diagnosis and planning of dental treatments. Modern dental procedures are unimaginable without adequate radiological insight into the condition of dental and bone tissues within the oral cavity.

In our clinic, we use the Planmeca ProMax 3D Max digital imaging device, manufactured by the renowned Finnish company Planmeca, for complete radiological diagnostics. This device enables 2D and 3D imaging with maximum precision and high resolution, while simultaneously implementing Ultra-low dose technology to minimize patient radiation exposure.

Price List

2d x ray
cbct 5x5 eng
cbct 8x5 eng
cbct 8x8 eng


40 KM

    • Panoramic X-ray of the jaw
    • 2D X-ray of the teeth


    CBCD 5X5

    40 KM

      • CBCT X-ray of the dental region
      • 3D X-ray of the teeth (CBCT 5×5 cm)


      CBCT 8X5

      70 KM

        • CBCT X-ray of the one jaw
        • 3D X-ray (CBCT 8×5 cm)


        CBCT 8X8

        100 KM

          • CBCT X-ray of both jaws
          • 3D X-ray (CBCT 8×8 cm)


          panoramic xray

          Panoramic X-Ray

          Panoramic Jaw X-Ray (Orthopantomogram or “OPG”) – A two-dimensional scan of the upper and lower jaws, including surrounding bone structures. In modern dentistry, a panoramic jaw X-ray is anintegral part of examinations, diagnostics, and planning dentaltreatments, assisting in planning various therapies, such as prosthetics, orthodontics, and periodontics.

          panoramski snimak

          Price 40 KM

          panoramic sinus

          Panoramic Sinus X-Ray

          Panoramic Sinus X-Ray – Provides two-dimensional view of the sinuses aiming to detect possible changes or abnormalities in the bone structures.

          snimak sinusa

          Price 70 KM

          3d eng

          3D CBCT scans can vary in size depending on the area of interest for diagnosis and therapy at a given time. At NOVA DENTAL CLINIC, you can choose from the following types of CBCT scans

          cbcd scan tooth region

          CBCT Scan of the Tooth Region

          CBCT Scan of the Tooth Region (CBCT 5×5 cm) – The imagingmethod of choice for diagnosing the condition of an individual tooth,including the crown,neck, root, and thesurrounding bone, as well as the antagonist tooth. Useful in planning and performing endodontic treatment, assessing the condition of abutment teeth prior to prosthetic work, measuring bone levels for implant placement, and planning wisdom tooth extraction.

          snimak regije zuba

          Price 40 KM

          cbct scan both jaws surrounding

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws and Surrounding Structures

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws and Surrounding Structures (CBCT 11×8 cm – Extended Field) – Apart from teeth, also includes the scanning of the jaw area behind the last tooth. It is the imaging method of choice for implant planning in the posterior region and locating impacted teeth before oral surgery.

          oboje i okolne

          Price 120 KM

          scan one jaw

          CBCT Scan of One Jaw

          CBCT Scan of One Jaw (CBCT 8×5 cm) – The imaging method of choice for diagnosis and treatment planning within a single jaw.

          snimak jedne vilice

          Price 80 KM

          scan paranasal sinuses

          CBCT Scan of Paranasal Sinuses

          CBCT Scan of Paranasal Sinuses (CBCT 8×5 cm) – The imaging method of choice for diagnosing pathological conditions of the paranasal sinuses, such as inflammation or cysts. Also useful for assessing the relationship between the roots of the posterior teeth and the sinus floor.


          Price 80 KM

          scan both jaws

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws (CBCT 8×8 cm) – The imaging method of choice used for diagnosis and treatment planning for both jaws. Covers all teeth, as well as the bones of the upper and the lower jaw.

          snimak obje vilice

          Price 100 KM

          triple scan

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws - Triple scan

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws – Triple Scan (CBCT 3×8×8) – Coversthe largest imagingarea. Helpful for planning extensive implant and oral surgeries in both jaws.

          trostruki scan

          Price 130 KM

          scan both jaws double

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws – Double Scan

          CBCT Scan of Both Jaws – Double Scan Left or Right (CBCT 2×8×8) – Useful for planning and monitoring the completed procedure in extensive implant and oral surgeries.

          obje vilice

          Price 100 KM

          snac tempomadibular

          CBCT Scan of the Temporomandibular Joint

          CBCT Scan of the Temporomandibular Joint – The imaging method of choice for diagnosing fractures of the mandibular ramus and condyles, occlusal disorders, and temporomandibular joint pain. The scan shows the connection between the joint disk and the bone structures of the jaw.


          Price 70 KM

          When selecting the type of imaging for diagnostic purposes, we adhere to the guidelines of the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable).

          This means that prior to any imaging, a precise indication for the specific type of scan is determined, based on the patient’s medical history and the condition observed in their oral cavity. Patients who are treated at another clinic and require radiological imaging services at Nova Dental Clinic come with a referral from their dentist.

          The introduction of modern diagnostic methods in the planning and execution of dental therapy has brought significant advancements in treatment planning and made it easier for dentists to treat patients. The imaging process is extremely simple, fast, and comfortable, and the radiological images we create are stored in our database and are available upon your request.

          For the exclusive use of diagnostic services at Nova Dental Clinic, no appointment is necessary. Scans can be performed at any time during Nova Dental Clinic’s working hours.